
It can be found in approximately 5% of the Pécs Wine Producing Region. It is a typical vine of Pécs, originating from Austria. The grape is red, but with rapid processing and adequate sulphurisation wine of beautiful yellowish-green shade can be made from it. It has a seasoned flavour and has elegant acids. It primarly resembles a bunch of wild flowers. The Pécs Cirfandli is a long wine. However, its production requires a special expertise, so only a few sophisticated producers have plantations of this sort vine.

Alkoholgehalt: süss 12,5%, halbsüss 14%



Hárs Pincészet Kft
Szajk, Pincesor 472.
contact @ harspinceszet.hu

+36 69/361-239
+36 20/992-02-88